Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Phenomena Appreciated by Caucasian Folks #1: Satiric Blogs and/or books written by satiric bloggers

Note: this is the first in a long series of clever blog entries that is expected to lead to a book deal.

My brother just returned to Shanghai from a short trip back home, and brought some goodies back along with him. In addition to freedom, giardiniera, and Tapatio hot sauce; he also brought out a copy of the new Stuff White People Like: The Book. It is probably the most prominent of the recently released books springing from blogs. It is a hilarious, topical, and dorky look at stereotypical liberal white self-absorbtion. It basically expands on the concept of the blog original: and includes about double the content, with each 'entry' spoofing some facet of white culture.

I can't get enough of it, but it leaves me wondering, is this the kind of humour that we will still find funny 5, 10, or 15 years from now, or will it seems completely innane? My bets are on the latter, so I am enjoying it while it's still fresh.


jp1016/Janet Potter said...

There's a take off of this (and probably many more)
"stuff christians like"http://stufffchristianslike.blogspot.com/2008/09/395-christian-version-of-guitar-hero.html
It's funny, well, at least to me and the other folks who read it!

Tyler said...

Funny stuff indeed. It's hard to beat the original though.